Higher Education (C) Department

Details of SPIO

Subject dealt with the SPIO

(Rules, Regulations etc) under the custody of SPIO

Details  of  Appellate Authority 

Smt. Bijimol K Chacko
Under Secretary
Ph: 0471 2518784

email ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All papers including establishment papers relating to Govt. Law Colleges, Music colleges, Sanskrit Colleges and Physical Education College, Kozhikode. Budget relating to Law Colleges, Providing recurring grants to CLASR, grants and continuance sanction of kathaprasangam course, Approval of prospectus of LLB/LLM courses with respect to Law Colleges. Papers relating to Self financing Law Colleges,Student matters of Law Colleges. Papers relating to Central Sector Scholarship,Post Matric Scholarship and Merit cum Means Scholarship,Scholarships disbursed through Collegiate Education Department, Construction works relating to Collegiate Education Department , Purchase of books, furniture and stores in Govt. Arts &Science Colleges,Inspection Report on purchase in the colleges, Repair works of vehicles in the DCE,Plan Fund Papers relating to Govt. Law Colleges,Govt. Music Colleges,Govt. Sanskrit Colleges, Land Acquisition and Transfer of Govt. Arts &Science Colleges,Grant in Aid to Kerala State Higher Education Council. All papers relating to UGC scale of pay and UGC regulations, Granting of Autonomy status to Colleges, Establishment papers of Kerala State Higher Education Council.

Kerala State Collegiate Education (Music Colleges) Service (Amendment) Special Rules, 2011. UGC Regulations

Sri. Ajayan. C 

Additional Secretary

Ph: 0471 2518598

email ID : highereducationas1
