Government Order  with Subject
03/10/2024 G.O.(Rt) No.1239/2024/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Kerala University - M.Sc. Chemistry Programme  is equalised to the M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry Programme - Granted - Orders issued
03/10/2024 G.O.(Rt) No.1238/2024/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Increase in intake of existing MBA course in Elijah Institute of Management Studies, Thrissur for the Academic Year 2024-25 - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
01/10/2024 G.O.(Rt) No.1225/2024/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical - Sanction for purchasing UPS  for the various Departments in Government Engineering College, Thrissur -Sanctioned -Orders issued.
01/10/2024 G.O.(Rt) No.1224/2024/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Extension of  deputation to  Sri. Shibu R., as  System Assistant in the Office of the Commissioner for  Entrance Examinations  for a period of one more year - Orders issued.
01/10/2024 G.O.(Rt) No.1223/2024/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Permission to create a new post namely, System and Database Architect, in the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and also permission for appointments on contract basis for a period of one year-  Sanctioned- Orders issued