AUGUST- 2023
Government Order  with Subject
26/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1332/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Proposal for Sophisticated Analytical and Technical Help Institutes (SATHI) program of the department of Science and Technology of Government of India - in principle Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders Issued .
26/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1330/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-The Kerala Council for Historical Research, Thiruvananthapuram - Appointment of Prof. K.N. Ganesh as Chairman - Orders Issued .
26/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1329/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE -OA(EKM) No.1346/2023 filed by Smt. Lakshmi P.S, Assistant Professor in English, Govt. Poly Technic College, Adoor before the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal - Direction/Order dated 20.07.2023 - Complied with - Orders issued.
26/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1328/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Additional Skill Acquisition Programme Kerala - Release of funds for one month for ASAP Project of the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
26/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1327/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- DTE - Governing Board of Directors, College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram - Nominated the representative of the Finance Department - Sanctioned- Orders Issued .
23/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1326/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Administrative Sanction for starting new Arts & Science courses in the existing un-aided colleges affiliated to University of Calicut for the Academic year 2023-24 & 2024-25 - Accorded– Orders Issued.
25/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1325/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Granting extra time of 20 minutes per hour during examination for students suffering from type 1 diabetes on the basis of certificate issued by Government Doctor – Sanctioned – Orders Issued.
23/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1323/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE- OA(EKM) No.1212/2023 filed by Smt. Sreevidhya. S, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Sri. C. Achuthamenon Govt. College, Thrissur before the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal - Direction/Order dated 19.07.2023 - Complied with - Orders issued.
23/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1322/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DTE - Granting full additional charge of Dr. M. Ramachandran as Senior Joint Director (PS) in Department of Technical Education and also gave full additional charge of Sri. Muhammad Azir Joint Controller of Technical Examinations in the Office of the Controller of Technical Examinations - Sanctioned – Orders Issued.
23/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1318/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-
23/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1316/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-NCC – 1 Kerala Air Sqn NCC, Kochuveli, Thiruvananthapuram - Rent per month - Reassigned from 01.04.2021 - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1314/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Equalization of Master of Arts in Applied Psychology (Clinical Psychology)  (Regular ) Programme conducted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Maharashtra to the Master of Science in Psychology (Regular ) Courese conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1313/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- WP (C) No.9104 of 2019 filed by Dr. Laila T Abraham – Judgment dated, 19-10-2022 of the Hon’ble High Court – Complied with - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1312/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Trivandrum Engineering Science and Technology (TrEST) Research Park - Release of fund for meeting project component - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1310/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DTE - Establishment -  Permission to act in the film & Drama to Smt. Lijisha V.R, Attender, Engineering College Hostel Sick Room, Thiruvananthapuram - Orders Issued .
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1309/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Deputation of  Dr. S. J. Shabu, Associate Professor, Physical Education Wing as Joint Commissioner (Academic) in Office of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations - Sanctioned  - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1308/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Government Law Colleges - Establishment - Sri. Hafiz Aslam P.J, Assistant Professor - Permission granted to rejoin duty w.e.f 22-08-2023 FN in Government Law College, Kozhikode - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1307/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-  APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University - Financial Year 2023 - 2024- Plan Non Salary - Release of first instalment of grant-in-aid - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1298/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-General Transfer - Transfer and Posting of Principals for the academic year 2023 – Sanctioned - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1297/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Dr. K.P.Noufal, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, NAM College, Kallikkandy, Kannur (On Deputation as Deputy Director, Information Kerala Mission) - Permission to offer his expertise and knowledge to Young Startups and entrepreneurs - Granted - Orders issued
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1296/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Deputation extended of Dr. Razia K. A, Assistant Director, Physical Education Department, Kerala University - Sanctioned  - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1295/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE – Establishment - Interest Free Medical Advance sanctioned in respect of Sri. Jojy K.V, Lecturer (Junior),Bharath Matha College, Thrikkakara, Ernakulam - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1293/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Starting of new un-aided/self-financing college by the name Philipose Mar Thoephilos College for the academic year 2023-24 - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1292/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- KEAM Prospectus for admission to Professional Degree Courses for the academic year 2023-24 - Modified- Orders issued.
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1291/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Technical - Foreign journey by Dr. Rajkumar M.R., Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of  Technology, Kottayam for attending 14th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer ICCHMT 2023 held at Dusseldorf, Germany from 4-8 September, 2023 - Permission Granted - Orders issued
21/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1290/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Ratification the action of posting LD Typists in Shankaracharya Sanskrit University vide the Notification No.R.Cell/1050/Typ/2004/SSUS Dated, 22-12-2005 - Ratified - Orders Issued.
19/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1288/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Order dated 13.02.2023 in OA (EKM) 272/2023 filed by Sri.Dinesh Kumar Kinathi, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Mattannur, Kannur - Complied with -  Orders issued.
19/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1287/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Permission to utilize LTC to Sri.V.R Jayadevan, Principal, Law College, Thrissur - Sanctioned – Orders Issued.
19/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1285/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Thunchathezhuthachan Malayalam University - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for August, 2023 - Release of fund - Sanctioned - Orders issued
19/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1284/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-PM USHA - National Workshop at New Delhi - Flight journey of officials to New Delhi and back - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1283/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Release of Matching Grant amount form the Budget amount of Government Law College, Ernakulam – Orders Issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1282/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Administrative Sanction for starting new unaided Arts and Science Courses in the existing affiliated unaided colleges affiliated to University of Calicut for the Academic year 2023-24 & 2024-25 - Accorded – Orders Issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1281/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Permission granted to the Director of Technical Education Director for making Spot Allotment – Orders Issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1280/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Onam Holiday for all educational institutions including Professional Colleges under the Higher Education Department in he state for the year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1278/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical Education - Implementation of Electric Vehicle as Elective Courses in appropriate diploma programs and syllabus of Electiive Courses - Approved - Orders issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1277/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Approval for the admission of seven students B.Arch Course in Govr. Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram for the academic year 2021-22 -Approved - Orders Issued.
18/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1276/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DTE - General Transfer - Transfer and Posting of  Head of Sections in Civil Engineering Department in Polytechnic Colleges – Sanctioned - Orders issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1274/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Judgement in O.A (EKM) No.792/23.
Complied with - Orders  issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1273/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Extention of the period of deputation of Sri. Rajamohanan Nair P.S as Senior Superintendent in the Office of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations - Orders Issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1271/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Constitution of Academic Committee for the Syllabus revision of subjects in Technical High School - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1270/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Malinya Muktha Navakeralam Project – Smt. Asha A. K Deputy Secretary appointed as the Nodal Officer – Sanctioned – Orders Issued
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1269/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Mercy chance allowed to the  2010 Revision Diploma students in Polytechnic Colleges under Department of Technical Educaiton - Orders issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1268/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-TechnicalDr. Meenakshi. K, Principal, Government Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad – Permission to leave the country for foreign tour (private) to Japan – Granted - Orders Issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1267/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical Education –Sri. Vibin T.S - Condonation for delay in submitting application for the correction of date of birth in T.H.S.L.C Book - Ordered  Issued.
17/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1266/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Time Bound Higher Grade to Sri. S. R. Vinayakumar, Superintendent in Centre for Continuing Education Kerala – Sanctioned - Orders Issued. 
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1265/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Cancellation of LWA sanctioned to Smt. Theja Joseph, Assistant Professor, K. E College, Mannanam - Orders issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1264/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Government Law College Ernakulam & Thrissur – Annual Plan 2023-24 – Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders Issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1263/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Disability Leave sanctioned to Sri.Sajeev.S., Trade Instructor, College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1262/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-WP (C) No.22719 of 2022 filed by Sri. Paul W.T and others– Judgment dated, 19-07-2022 of the Hon’ble High Court – Complied with - Orders issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1261/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Extending deputation of  Sri. Jaleelkhan, Senior Superintendent, College of Teacher Education, Kozhikode,  as Senior Superintendent in Office of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations - Sanctioned  - Orders issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1260/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Deputation of  Sri.Shibu. R, Special Grade Conductor, KSRTC, Thiruvananthapuram  as System Assistant in Office of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations - Sanctioned  - Orders issued.
11/08/2023  G.O.(Rt) No.1259/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Music Colleges - DPC(H) on 16-08-2023, Smt.Sindhu P.K., Additional Secretary authorised for convening the meeting - Orders issued.
21/08/2023  G.O.(Rt) No.1258/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- 
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1255/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- University of Kerala - WP(C) No.4737/2022 filed by Dr. S.V. Sudheer - Terminal surrender of Earned Leave - Directions of Hon.High Court in Judgement dated 12-07-2022 - Complied with - Orders issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1254/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE - Permission to Sri. Sivakumar. A, Sri. Unnikrishnan. C, Sri. Gireesh V.P , Assistant Professors in Govt. S.N.G.S College Pattambi to publish a book jointly, namely Goods and Service Tax (GST) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1253/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical - Admission to Professional Degree Courses for the academic year 2023-24 - KMCT Institute of Technology and Management, Malappuram - Modified - Orders issued
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1252/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical – Annual Plan 2023-24 – Construction of new academic block in Barton Hill, Government Engineering College and a new building for Civil Engineering block in Kannur, Government Engineering College -Administrative sanction – accorded - Orders issued.
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1251/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Private Aided Colleges – Government Nominee in the Governing Body of the Cochin College – Nominated - Orders issued.
10/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1250/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Declaration of probation of Sri. A. T Satheesh in the post of Administrative Assistant in the Directorate of Collegiate Education - Declared - Orders issued
11/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1249/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Equilancy for the B.Sc Constume Design and Fashion Programme conducted by Bharatiyar University to the B.Sc  Constume and Fashion Design Programme conducted by Calicut University -Orders Issued.
10/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1248/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Private Aided Colleges - Judgment dated 20.10.2022 in WP(C) 30814/2019 filed by Sri. Abdul Rasheed Thachampoyil and Sri. Thomson A.J. - Complied with - Orders issued
10/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1247/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Equilisation of M.Sc  Counselling Psychology course to the M.Sc Psychology course of Kerala University  - Orders issued
10/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1246/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical Education - Smt.Thushara V.T. - Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering) - Letter of Support for applying Fulbright Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - Orders issued
10/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1245/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Centre for Advanced Printing and Training (Capt), Thiruvananthapuram - Grant-in-aid under Non-Plan for the year 2023-24 - Release of second installment - Orders issued.
09/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1243/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE - Establishment - Granting promotion to the post of Administrative Assistant - Sanctioned – Orders Issued .
09/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1242/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- Purchase of Comsol Software for CAD Lab, Mechanical Engineering Department in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam - Purchase Sanction accorded - Orders issued
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1241/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Starting of Private Universities and Constituent Colleges in the State - Entrusting the Kerala State Higher Educaiton Reforms Cell  for furnishing the draft norms and guidelines  - Orders issued
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1240/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit - Release of First Instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1239/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-National University of Advanced Legal Studies - Release of First Instalment of Plan Grant for the financial year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1137/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- University of Calicut - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for the month of August, 2023 - Release of fund - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1234/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Mahatma Gandhi University - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for the month of August, 2023 - Release of Fund - Sanctioned - Orders issued
08/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1233/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady - Non Plan Grant in aid - for the month of August, 2023 - Payment Sanctioned - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1231/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department--Institute of Human Resources Development - Permission to fill up vacant seats for Lateral Entry and First Year Diploma in various Polytechnic Colleges under IHRD through Spot Admission in the academic year 2023-24 - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1229/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department--- Permission to the Universites for the  Marginal Increase in Degree/PG Programmes in the Arts and  Science Colleges for the year  2023-24 - Sanctioned   - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1228/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department--Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Sasthamcotta, Kollam - Change in name of the course for the Academic Year 2023-24 - Modified - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1227/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department--Amount sanctioned to  Kerala State Higher Education Council for the Erudite scheme from the Budget Provision for the financial year 2023-24  – Sanctioned – Orders Issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1226/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department--Deputation of Sri. Vijil Kumar V.V, Assistant Professor, Govt. Engineering College, Idukki as IT Head in Additional Skill Acquisition Programme, Kerala – Sanction accorded – Orders issued.
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1224/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-- Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University - Release of first instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1223/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Sreenarayanaguru Open University - Release of second instalment of Non Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1222/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical - Permission for admitting Ms.Arya Suresh, B.Tech. Lateral Entry, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government Engineering College, Idukki to College of Engineering, Trivandrum via Inter-College Transfer - Sanction accorded - Orders issued 
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1220/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Kannur University - Release of First instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-2024 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1219/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Judgment in WP (C) No:37491/2022 filed by Dr. Girija Kumari. S, Associate Professor (Malayalam), S.N. College, Chempazhanthy- judgment complied with - Orders issued.
07/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1218/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Institute of Human Resources Development - Release of Grant-in-aid General Salary (NP) and Non Salary (NP) for the financial year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
06/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1216/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Kannur University - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for the month of August, 2023 - Release of Fund - Sanctioned - Orders issued
06/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1215/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-University of Kerala - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for the month of August, 2023 - Release of Fund - Sanctioned - Orders issued
06/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1214/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Cochin University of Science and Technology - Grant in aid - Non Plan Grant for the month of August, 2023 - Payment Sanctioned - Orders issued
06/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1213/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-University of Calicut - Release of First Instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
06/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1211/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Common Pool Library Service - Granting of Revised Pensionary Benefits in-respect of Sri. Madhusoodhanan E, Librarian Grade II - Sanctioned – Orders issued.
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1210/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Granting Chief Minister's "Vidhyardhi Prthibha Puraskaram" to Kumari A.J. Jyothis Maria -Orders Issued.
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1209/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt.Jayasree T.V., Under Secretary, Higher Education Department to the O/o Advocate General in connection with WP(C)32256/2022 filed by Sri.T.Sasidharan - Sanctioned - Orders issued
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1208/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Govt. Arts and Science College, Nilambur  – Release of Plan Fund (2022-23) – Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1207/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University  - Leave Without Allowance Sanctioned to Smt. Deepa Ramakrishnan, Part Time Sweeper - Sanctioned  - Orders issued.
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1206/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-DCE – Permission to rent a vehicle for official purposes of the Director of College Education - Sanctioned – Orders Issued.
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1205/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam - Accounts Officer Sri. Sanil M.S. - Probation Period declared - Orders issued
04/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1204/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-University of Kerala - Release of First Instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1203/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Mahatma Gandhi University - Release of First instalment of Plan Grant for the Financial Year 2023-24 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1201/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Common Pool Library Service - Granting of Pensionary Benefits in-respect of Smt. Reena G, Senior Grade Librarian, Central Library, Secretariat - Sanctioned – Orders issued.
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1200/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University - Financial Year 2023-24 - Creation of Capital Assets - Release of first instalment of grant - in - aid - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1199/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Starting new course at DC School of Architecture and Design, Thiruvananthapuram under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1198/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-LWA granted to Dr.Reena Nair, Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Idukki for a period of 5 years from 01.08.2023 - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1197/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Institute of Human Resources Development - Fixation of fees for the newly introduced courses in College of Applied Sciences under IHRD from the academic year 2023-24 - Orders issued.
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1196/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University - Financial Year 2023-2024 (Plan) - Release of first instalment of Grant-in-aid - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1195/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University - Financial Year 2023-24 - Plan Non Salary - Release of first instalment of grant-in-aid - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1194/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Administrative Sanction for starting new un-aided Arts & Science Colleges affiliated to University of Calicut for the Academic year 2022-23 - Accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1193/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-NCC – Establishment - Interest Free Medical Advance sanctioned in respect of Sri. Harikumar. J, Senior Superintendent - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1192/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. Sobhana P.K., Librarian, State Central Library to participate in the 'Festival of Libraries' scheduled in New Delhi - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1191/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Technical - TKM College of \engineering, Kollam - MCA course - Increase in intake - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1190/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Permissiont granted to the Director of Technial Educaiton for the temporary appointment  7 Casual Sweepers in Sree Rama Govt Polytechnic College, Thriprayar through Kudumbasree  for the cleaning works of the institution - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1189/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department- DTE - Commissioner for Entrance Examinations –  Extension of service  of 10  employees posted on daily wage basis for scrutiny jobs inconection with the KEAM 2023  Sanctioned - Orders issued.
02/08/2023 G.O.(Rt) No.1188/2023/HEDN
Higher Education Department-Meghnath Saha Centre for Content Development Studio - Ratification of the action of  the Director of Collegiate Education to give permission to the temporary employees to continue in service during the perion from 01-04-2021 to 30-09-2021  - Ratified - Orders issued